
Several talented illustrators have created images for my stories

Friends for Dinner

One day at critique group, I submitted my picture book manuscript, FRIENDS FOR DINNER, for review. My critique group is awesome, gave me wonderful revision notes, and that manuscript went on to win two awards. Michael Kress-Russick surprised me at the next meeting by giving me this drawing, his vision of one of the scenes. It was the first time I had ever seen my words brought to life. I will never forget the thrill of that moment.

Weary Spider Spins a Bed

As part of an SCBWI-Wisconsin conference, authors could submit a sentence from their current WIP (work-in-progress) and an illustrator would draw the scene. I submitted a line from my picture book WEARY SPIDER SPINS A BED. Rebecca Hirsch drew this and perfectly captured the emotion.

Chipmunk Has a Better Plan

While on a retreat in New York with other picture book writers, we spent several days writing, brainstorming and critiquing each other’s work. One of my picture book manuscripts, CHIPMUNK HAS A BETTER PLAN, inspired illustrator Jacqueline Rogers to sketch a possible book cover. I was surprised and delighted!